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CCN Board Minutes
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October 8, 2009 Board Minutes

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2009


  • Richard Connolly
  • Terry Dalton
  • Bernie Hart
  • Michael Marshall
  • Kent Murray
  • Johnathan Thibodeau
  • Alan Turner
  • Jeff Warnica
  • Andrew D. Wright


  • Marilyn MacDonald
  • Mary Rigby
  • Joe Thomas

Minutes of last meeting

The meeting was called to order by Bernie at 6:30 pm.

INTRODUCTION: Of new Board member, Terry Dalton, well known to Chebucto Community Net as the Chair of ACORN-NS, of which CCN is a member, which among other things, runs the Nova Scotia portion of the Internet backbone.

MINUTES: Of last meeting, Mary having circulated the September 10th Board meeting minutes online on October 2nd, they were approved as circulated on a motion by Alan and seconded by Jeff.


Committee Reports

Financial Report

Alan submitted a written report, showing that income was close to last year, CCN is in deficit but less than predicted.

The most significant change was that Johnathan had a new job at Dal.

Discussion that followed was over whether we should now pay Andrew a full salary but more hours - Andrew opposed to this - would merely worsen our deficit position drastically by next year's AGM. He felt an aggressive campaign of fundraising should be explored instead.

Discussion of last CCN pay cheque for Johnathan to bridge him until his first Dal pay cheque.

Technical Report

Andrew said his time had been focused on the survey of our members regarding their use of Chebucto and the internet - it had come in with a good rate of return, indicating that members are still keenly interested and committed to keeping our "access-for-all" IP service going into its second decade.

Answers back were much what we expected, but in addition that many high income members were still on dial-up; the digital divide not just being financial but also of lack of knowledge and confidence about going into the newer areas of the internet world.

A new problem had come up - Hotmail declining to take Chebucto emails via our Eastlink service.


Corner Store

Richard said he realized just how hard it was for potential customers to visit CCN office due to all the parking spots being filled in the afternoon weekday hours when office is actually open to public.

Discussion on whether an online method of signing the membership set of conditions would be do-able, in addition to our traditional printing out and mailing in (or hand delivering) of the form.


Joe Howe Manor

Alan reported on the meeting with residents at Joe Howe Hall, 25 people turned up and 20 signed up. We sent them a letter indicating we are still working on the Fenwick Tower antenna issue.

Johnathan and Jeff felt to fiber optically set up Joe Howe would be $60,000 and $600 a month for Aliant ( ballpark figures) - we really need Fenwick's height for best line of sight to Joe Hall - other, lower, apartment towers not as good.


Templeton Agreement

Bernie hand delivered a draft agreement from CCN to Templeton (Andrew Metledge) but no response as yet. As we are a registered charity, Templeton could get an income tax receipt from us.


City Hall

Bernie for Marilyn indicated it is set for October 20th, 5 minutes for 15 years of CCN - will be on cable tv. All possible Board members should try and attend.

Discussion on how many HRM council members were known personally by CCN board members - how to indicate that in each and every district, 1 out of 4 of their constituents don't have home access to internet.


Town Hall

Terry asked about slide presentations - was assured all had indicated would have slides and so a laptop and screen would be available.

Andrew mentioned that CBC Radio would tape the entire Town Hall and rebroadcast portion in the following week on Maritime Noon show and feature a phone discussion of digital divide and privacy.

Terry indicated ACORN would pay for Herald ad on Town Hall. Andrew said it was hoped the Herald would run a story on CCN's 15 years before Town Hall.

Michael was worried about turnout and asked that Bernie send out a strong email appeal to all CCN members indicating outcome of this meeting could be crucial to CCN future and asking members to come out in good numbers.

On motion Michael and Jeff, this was agreed to.



Andrew said the survey was providing good local information on the digital divide but that we really need other material on situation of digital divide elsewhere.

But key fact remains, Halifax is falling badly behind where it was 15 years ago. One fifth of paid up individual members responded to date. Three indicated they are under 45. 55% were 56 to 70. 13% were 70 plus. 40% use text only, 60% use chebucto plus graphics.

The number of well-to-do members on dial-up really is marked - combining with their age, suggests a public adult education role for CCN, with government funding support.


Other business

One new member from Joe Howe, wants money returned. Discussion agreed best to keep Joe Howe tenants positive until antenna sorted - on motion Alan and Michael, agreed to return money in this particular case.


Next meeting

Adjourned 8:30 pm, to meet again November 12th.




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