A Cruise of the privateer ship <i>Charles Mary Wentworth</i> and <i>Duke of Kent</i> This report was sent to the British government in 1799 by the Governor of Nova Scotia, to demonstrate the effectiveness of Nova Scotian privateers. It is noteworthy for the ambitious scope of operations which include attacking and capturing Spanish island forts as well as chasing enemy shipping all over the Caribbean Sea.
Source: Public Archives of Nova Scotia CO 217 Vol. 70 Microfilm Reel 13866, page 193.

The enclosed Journal of Proceedings of a Privateer fitted out & armed at Liverpool in this Province proves the great enterprize and spirit of the people & that they are useful to His Majestys Service by destroying the Forts, Ordnance & munitions of his En emies as well as in capturing their property & destroying their commerce in which they have been particularly active and happily successful having taken and brought in prizes condemned to them in the Court of V. Admiralty of this province, upon the author ity of the instructions first mentioned to amount of forty thousand pounds Sterling.
I have the honour... SIGNED J. Wentworth

"The Private Ship of war Charles Mary Wentworth Sailed on A Cruize June 19 1799 Joseph Freeman Commander ---
July 6th made the Island of PortiRico & on the 7th Day was brought too by the Castor Frigate which pressed one of our men.
July the 8th Captured a French Schooner called the Josephina Ladened with die wood and Tobacco.
July 15 - made the Spanish Main Near Laguira ?at this time Discovered two Sail of men of war in chase after us. Night coming on Lost Sight of them.
July 16th Discovered a sail to leeward, gave Chase after him, he being near the land ran into a Small Bay and Came to anchor. Sent the boats in pursuit after her. At coming alongside & finding no one there but two prisoners that was in irons which were soon relieved. The Capt & crew had got on shore with their trunks and A large Sum of Money. The Above vessel being a Spanish Packet From St. Domingo bound to Laguira there being one Priest a Passenger who had made his Escape on shore & his trunk was lef t on shore with every article in it and Every thing belonging to him.
On the 17th at 10 P.M. sent the boats in to Comana bay with 18 men under the Command of Lieutenant Joseph Barss to see if there was any vessels in the bay and for the purpose of Destroying a Fort that was there which mounted 18- 12- and nine Pounders whic h they Spiked up and hove them down A High bank into the Sea. at daylight the boats returned with the Powder from the magazine and Muskets taken from the Soldiers and Spunges & rammers ---
July the 22 brought too and detained Fish boat, given information of 2 vessels that was to anchor under the lea of the Island of Conoma?? made sail & ??n in to the bay at 12 at Night Sent the boats to examin the bay they finding no vesels there thought pr oper to go an destroy the Fort of 5 - 12 pounders - which they did with the Loss of Lieutenant Nathaniel Freeman who behaved on all Expeditions Smart and Active For to Support the British Flag and his King and Country --- at daylight the boats returned wi th the Powder from the Magazine and A number of Muskets and the Governor of the Island and four of the Gunners that belonged To the Fort
July the 24th Captured a Spanish Schooner Called the Nostra Senora del Carmen From Porto Cavelloa Bound to Curasoa Lading with Indigo and Cotton and A Number of 12 and 24 pound Shot. on the 25th Sent her away For Liverpool ---
July the 30 Gave chase to A small French Privateer, She being near the land Got into a Harbour and came to anchor there not being water for the Ship to go in. Saw a Great Number of Spaniards Come to Assist them.
August the 9 Left the Spanish Main and stood for Curasoa for the Purpose of Examining the Island.
August the 10 made the Island Examined the Harbour Saw two Dutch Frigates there one having her Sails bent and ready for sea the other her Topmast Laucned and very few men on board Saw a number of small privateer? in the harbour, by the Best information t hat I Could boast there were 600 Cannon mounted on the Island
August the 10 Took our departure from Curasoa on the 13th made the Island of Hispaniola
August 22 Parted with the Duke of Kent/Consort Privateer
on the 23 Day took our departure from the Island of Tortorico? and made Sail to the Northward. 11 Sept Arrived in Liverpool Nova Scotia ---

Profile of the privateer ship Charles Mary Wentworth
Profile of the privateer ship Duke of Kent

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Copyright Dan Conlin 1997 Modified Jan. 12, 1999