Nigel Markham

Nigel Markham has lived in Newfoundland for twenty years, where, following a period of work with the CBC as a cameraman, he began to work on his own independent film projects. A number of these films have taken him to Labrador, including Place Of The Boss - Utshimatssits.

His directorial credits include the NFB productions, The Last Days Of Okak - an account of the devastating effects of the 1919 influenza epidemic on the Labrador Inuit, which won the Best Documentary award at the 1986 Atlantic Film Festival - and Taking Stock, a look at the history of the decline in the East Coast cod fishery, which won a Best Editing award at the 1994 Atlantic Film Festival.

His cinematography credits include: Pelts: Politics Of The Fur Trade, on the public relations war between the fur industry and its opponents, and Hunters And Bombers, a profile oft he Labrador Innu and their opposition to NATO's flight training over their homelands. Both have won international festival awards.

His other cinematography credits include: The Norway Fishery, a comparison of the Atlantic Canadian and Norwegian fisheries; the Morag production Puppets Against Aids, on a South African public health initiative; the short drama Subway To Tickle Gut, and the award- winning documentary Changing Minds. He also worked on The Great Divide, a film on explorer William Brooks Cabot.

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