GPX Distance: (kms)
Distance Markers: ON OFF  
Lat/Lng: Right-Click  

Zoom In: Shows the effect on the path
Suggested: 600pts for a 3hr or 10km hike

Click HELP again to drop this HELP screen

Choose a GPX file from your computer. It will load up with all the longitude/latitude points
Click on any of the buttons under OPTIMIZED to see the effect of deleting points
You will see a lot of straight lines as you lose detail

Suggested: 600pts for a 3hr or 10km hike
Zoom In to see effect on the path
Once you are happy with the detail on Export GPX
The filename will include the number of points

*** Distance markers off for big or segmented tracks

You can Show / Hide the Elevation Graph
Use the Color buttons to change the track color of the currently selected hike
You can cycle thru a variety of Map Types...Like OSM-Cycle and Satellite
If you mouse over Elevation graph, icon will show that location on the track
On iPad/Mobile, you click one spot at a time on the Elevation Graph
Current Track: