The Anglican Church of
Saint Andrew
A Community of Faith Since 1794
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Buildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds consists of a number of volunteers who assist in any way to repair, clean, mow, snow blow, paint or whatever else is required to keep our church operating.  For most things that need attention these dedicated people take care of it.  For major issues or anything requiring immediate action, please contact a warden or Reverend Katherine.

Over the past few years a new font has been built, our heating system has been improved and most exciting of all has been the building of our Kitchen.  This is still a work in progress, but  is now useable.  The addition of a storage room has been greatly appreciated by all. 

This is an exciting and growing time for our congregation.  There is always something to be done or repaired, our Church is very much like our own homes, and it requires ongoing maintenance.  We have a growing list of people to help with Buildings and Grounds, but are always looking for more to join.  If you are interested please contact a warden or the Church Office at 462-1818.