The Anglican Church of
Saint Andrew
A Community of Faith Since 1794
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The Anglican Parish of Saint Andrew is delighted that you desire to celebrate your wedding with us. The following guidelines are offered to assist you in preparing for your wedding. 

A Church Wedding

Church weddings are for Christian people who have made their commitment to God and desire a Christian marriage.  At least one of the couple must be a baptized member of the Anglican Church of Canada. The fact that your parents are Christian is not enough. You make your marriage vows before God, the parish Rector, and the congregation in a public service of worship. Therefore the Marriage Service is planned with the couple and the parish priest, so that the words and music express their Christian beliefs. If you cannot agree with this proposal, then you have the option of a civil ceremony conducted by a Judge or Justice of the Peace. 

Holy Matrimony

The Anglican Church affirms that according to the Lord’s teaching, Holy Matrimony is a life-long union,
voluntarily undertaken by a man and a woman, and sanctified by God. (St. Matthew 19:3-6).  
The “Form of Solemnization of Matrimony” in The Book of Alternative Services (p.541) are provided for the marriage of baptized Christians.  (If one of the persons to be married is not baptized, permission of the Diocesan Bishop shall be obtained before the marriage may take place. Opportunity is to be provided for preparation for Baptism, if desired.)  If neither person is baptized, the marriage may not proceed. 

The Discretion of the Priest

The discretion of the Rector to decline to solemnize any particular marriage is affirmed.  

Ecclesiastical and Civil Authority

Marriage shall take place in the Anglican Church where the Officiate is licensed by both the Diocesan Bishop and Civil authority.  Diocesan Clergy are authorized to solemnize marriages in which:

  1. Both persons are baptized
  2. Neither have a former spouse still living
  3. Both persons are of legal age
  4. At least one person is a communicant member of the Anglican Church

Marriages under other circumstances are provided for elsewhere in these guidelines. 

Required Notice

The Rector shall be given at least 60 days notice before the day proposed for the marriage. 

License and Banns

A Provincial Marriage License must be obtained by the couple and delivered to the Rector in due time before the marriage.  Banns may be published on the request of the Bride and Groom in the Church in which the marriage is to take place.
Marriage Licence

Interview with the Rector

Every couple intending to marry in the Parish shall meet with the Rector to book the day and time of the wedding, discuss the service and fill in such forms as are required by Civil Law and Canon Law.
Marriage Application and Information - Form

Wedding Guide for Rector and Altar Guild - Form

Premarital Preparation

The rector shall insure that those who are seeking marriage receive a premarital program in which the meaning and nature of Christian marriage and family life are presented; and the need of God’s grace in the daily pursuit of this ideal is made known.
Marriage Preparation Course - Form

Service Arrangements

The service shall be taken from the liturgical texts as approved by the Anglican Church of Canada.  The couple shall choose appropriate scripture readings after discussion with the Rector.  It is most desirable that family and friends participate in the liturgy by taking an active part in the readings, prayers and music.  This parish encourages the use of the Unity Candle, if so desired by the couple.  Hymns, music and all other arrangements relating to the ceremony must be discussed with and approved by the Rector.  Sacred music expresses the faith we confess and the relationship of human love to the love of God.  Sentimental love songs do not fit the intent of the church service and are more appropriate for the reception.  Choices for hymns and solos can be found in the hymnbooks in use in the parish. 

Holy Communion

Couples are encouraged to celebrate their wedding in the context of the Holy Eucharist.  This decision will be made in dialogue with the Rector.

Photographs and Video Tape Recordings

No photographs shall be taken from the beginning of the Liturgy until its completion, not including signing of the register.  Video recordings of the service must be undertaken with the use of a tripod.


Suitable flowers and decorations should be arranged with the Rector.

Penitential Seasons

The Church discourages marriages being held during Penitential Seasons, especially Lent.

Interfaith and Interdenominational Marriages

  1. Clergy must consult with and have the permission of the Bishop of the Diocese prior to consenting to participate in or perform marriages of persons where one of the partners is not a baptized Christian.
  2. In marriages between Anglican and Roman Catholic partners, consideration is to be given to the document entitled: Pastoral guidelines for Inter-Church Marriages between Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada. 
  3. The Rector may invite licensed clergy of other Christian communities to participate in the solemnization of matrimony. 

Remarriage in the Church

Previous to now, all those seeking re-marriage after divorce were, in accord with General Synod Canon XXI, Section IV, required to submit an application for permission to marry to a Marriage Commission. The Commission reviewed the case and made a recommendation to the bishop who, after due consideration of the same, would grant permission for the marriage.

For many years - since 1967, in fact - this was viewed as a means for providing comprehensive pastoral care for couples in this situation. The process was intended to ensure that there had been closure with respect to previous marriages and that other responsibilities regarding financial support, etc. were in order. It was also intended to help couples consider their new relationship and its capacity for long-term stability. And clergy, having worked with the couple, then prepared the Incumbent’s Report.

Archbishop Hiltz’s experience of reviewing applications is that, for the most part, clergy have taken great care in preparing these reports; and it is obvious from the reports that they know the couple and have cared for them well.

Canon XXI now makes Marriage Commissions an option in each diocese; and in each diocese, the bishop in his/her role as chief pastor and chief liturgical officer, decides whether or not a Commission is retained. In accord with provision in the Canon as amended by General Synod and in the bishop’s confidence of the clergy’s commitment to provide adequate pastoral care to those who seek marriage, that clergy can decide with the couple whether or not the proposed marriage should take place. There will be no need to prepare applications for submission to the Marriage Commission as of July 1, 2004.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if clergy are having a particularly difficult time making a decision with the couple as to whether or not a proposed marriage should take place, they may refer it to the Marriage Commission. The bishop has not dissolved the Marriage Commission -- it continues to serve on an “on-call” basis only.


This usually takes place the night before the wedding.  Bride and groom, attendants, the person who is walking the bride up the aisle, flower girls, ring bearer and ushers should attend.  Parents of the bride and groom are welcome.

Confetti and Rice

Confetti or rice is not to be used under any circumstances in the building or on the church grounds.

Fees and Honorarium

It is customary for churches to include fees for organists and cost related to use of the church and cleaning.  There is no set fee for the clergy.  However, given the time and commitment of the Rector to assist you in preparing and celebrating your wedding, it is customary for the Rector to be given an honorarium.  If you have not been a regular giver to the life and work of the church, consider the people who have planned that this beautiful facility should be available for your wedding, and have given of their time and money on a regular basis for many years.  Now you have an opportunity to express your gratitude by the respect you show the building and furnishings and by the donation you make for the use of the church.  The Altar Guild may have fees according to your needs and will be determined between you and your corresponding Altar Guild Member.  All fees and honorariums should be placed in separately marked envelopes and given to the priest the night of the rehearsal.

Fee for Church Musician           $ 100.00
Fee for Use of Organ/Sound System
by outside artists          $ 100.00
Suggested Honorarium for Clergy   $ 125.00
Suggested Honorarium for
Church Clean-up            $  50.00
Suggested Honorarium for
Use of Church              $ 150.00



Anglican Church of Canada
Diocese of Nova Scotia

Anglican Parish of The Church of Saint Andrew

 Rector: Reverend Katherine Bourbonniere
2 Circassion Drive, Cole Harbour, N.S. B2W 5C2