The Anglican Church of
Saint Andrew
A Community of Faith Since 1794
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Mission Statement

The Church of St. Andrew desires to be a church where you and your family come to pray, where you will worship among a warm and welcoming people. A church where you will grow spiritually; and where you and your family will have access to sound Christian learning, while finding value from our history and tradition. We desire a church where community needs are met and fulfilled, where those groups needing a gathering place find a warm welcome. It is our prayer that we are a church that witnesses the love of Jesus Christ.

The members of our church have identified six key future ministries:
1. outreach 2. inreach 3. spiritual development 4. youth 5. leadership development 6. communication

Priorities for 2007

More mention of the Metro Food Bank Society in bulletin. Greater promotion of "needy fund." Primates World Reief and Development Fund - promote dollar/week difference. Drama with teens involved. Greater communication of the work of the Pastoral Care Team. Support Mothers' Union in the New Members Ministry. Continue with the Alpha Programs. Support the Dartmouth Food Program. Continue to support the Christmas Program. Seek opportunities for outreach ministry. {Prison Ministry - Palliative Care}

Pew envelopes - connection needed to New Members Ministry - Mothers' Union. Pariticipation in Chowder Lunches. Card MInistry/Pastoral Care/Prayer Circle. Need to: ask "specifically" for help versus asking for "volunteers." Follow up on missing members. Hold monthly potluck. Create more informal get-together opportunities.

Spiritual Development
Need for youth services. Need for a "teaching Eucharist." Continued "whole parish programs." Continue to evolve non stipendiary ministry. Keep the prayer cycle active.

Greater presence of Sunday School. Movie nights. Malachi {Praise Band}. Teens Encounter Christ. {TEC} Need to: have youth more involved in church life, have youth representation on Council, have youth involved in services, have greater crossover of ages {old mentor/teach younger}. Share the workload of youth activities. Create an organized youth group. Obtain parish support for youth programs.

Leadership Development
Men's Group needs leadership and purpose. Parish Council needs to keep members informed. Need a method to identify talents {questionnaire?}.

Support/Volunteers needed for phone pyramid. Greater promotion of the web site. Keep web site updated weekly. Reinstate a newsletter - even quarterly. Contact missing members. Utilize e-mail as a communication tool.